Reach 10,000 Local Households with Jumbo Co-Op Postcard Mailing!

Wow Factor! - 100% Open Rate! - Shared Expense!


Our product is a mini billboard ... a Super Sized 9x12 advertising piece that gets directly mailed to the residence. What makes us different is that it is a free standing piece...

Your Ad isn't stuffed into a magazine or a coupon book or Valpak mailer where you hope that that the resident will go to page 22 or sift through 30 coupons to find your ad and hope that they choose you instead of your competitor.

There are several forms of direct mail advertising available, ranging from mail merge coupon packets to postcards. However, this new method of direct mail advertising is proving itself to be the most successful!

9x12 Postcards presents the opportunity to make a greater impact on potential customers than any other form of direct mail advertising.

Its a simple fact: Business IS done between people that know and trust one another!

The most powerful advertising tool available to small businesses today dates back to the days before the internet, computers and even telephones. Using nothing more than a mailbox. It is through the power of direct mail that many small businesses have learned to effectively advertise and broaden their customer base.

Second to only word of mouth, business owners report that direct mail marketing is the most effective form of advertising. Make your company a household name by targeting the same potential customers through an ongoing direct mail program.

Stand out and Attract New Customers

WDC Local Dealz Is Exclusive your competitors can't be on the card with you.

Your Offer Is Visible nothing has to be opened to see your offer. People will look at all the ads.

Your Offer Doesn't Get Buried in the middle of the paper or page 23 of the coupon book. No need to depend on someone digging through a pile of coupons in hopes they'll see yours.

WDC Local Dealz Is A Billboard in your prospects mailbox. Can't be missed and won't have seen anything like it before.

WDC Local Dealz Is Printed On 16PT Stock and will look like you are spending a fortune on your advertising. We promise not to tell. The quality will reflect positively on your business.

WDC Local Dealz Is Saturation Marketing and reaches your customers and soon to be customers in their homes and businesses. Every home is delivered in your WDC Local Dealz market area.
  • Amazing Dealz
  • Business Address Information
  • Business Hours
  • Call To Action
  • Mobile Delivered Coupon Offers - Optional

Contact us today

  • Get instant access to 10,000 local residents 
  • Announce your services to your community
  • Low Risk (Just $500 with High Reward) 
  • Average Businesses are getting 5-30 offers redeemed
  • Jumbo Size and Design gives Awesome Wow Factor!
  • 100% Non Open Viewer Rate